by DISB | Sep 22, 2013 | Beauty Ideals, Colourism Stories, Dark Skin, Discrimination
By Rebekah Paul | A Dark is Beautiful campaigner If only life were as easy as Jimmy Kimmel’s “Meet My Best Unfriend” Facebook Challenge: “You are dark but photogenic.” – Unfriend “Your sister is lighter skinned than you, no?” – Unfriend “You’d have been a great...
by DISB | Aug 20, 2013 | Media Literacy
By Kavitha Emmanuel | Founder & Director of Women of Worth Have you ever wondered where skin colour bias originated from? I have. And frankly speaking, there is no simple answer. Skin colour bias is so much a part of our culture that if we tracked it down to see...
by DISB | Aug 14, 2013 | Colourism Stories, Dark Skin, Melanin, Prejudice, Skin Colour Bias
By Arpit Jacob | A Dark is Beautiful campaigner Arpit Jacob says we need to rethink the way we talk with kids about skin colour— at school, at home and in the media. Photo Credit: Zippora Madhukar Photography I’m Arpit: user experience designer trekker/traveller...
by DISB | Aug 5, 2013 | Beauty Ideals, Colourism Stories, Discrimination
By Sudha Menon | A Dark is Beautiful Campaigner If you have grown up in a dark brown skin, like I have, you have possible heard this sentence many times in your life: ” She is dark but smart”, ” She is not dark, just dusky. And, very...
by DISB | Jul 31, 2013 | Advertising, Beauty Ideals, Discrimination, Petition
By Pamposh Dhar | Dark is Beautiful campaigner We are bombarded by print ads and TV commercials all day long. So much so that we hardly pay heed to them any more. But when “King Khan” himself shows up on the TV screen in our home, we sit up and take notice. He is...