by DISB | Apr 12, 2013 | Beauty Ideals, Colourism Stories, Dark Skin, Discrimination, Prejudice
Zippora Madhukar, of Zippora Madhukar Photography, has been a long time member and resource person for WOW. She compiled a photo-story last year for the Dark is Beautiful campaign that was first published in the online news blog, The Weekend Leader, under the title...
by DISB | Apr 10, 2013 | Beauty Ideals, Colourism Stories, Dark Skin, Discrimination, Prejudice
By Sreeja Raveendran | An UNfair & Beautiful contributor Yes, I have been called mean names in school on account of being dark. Yes, I have been rejected in the matrimonial space by parents of several non-eligible bachelors. Yes, I have not been chosen to occupy...